As part of its desire to
vigorously promote distance education, the Centre for
Continuing Education (CCE) has acquired sites in seven
out of ten regions for the construction of permanent
study centres.
The centres will
eventually serve as UCC campuses in the regions to run
some campus-based programmes. Online degrees are
not being offered yet.
The university has a
high school as well (pictured above)
University of Cape Coast is
home to one of the biggest university library in the world!
It's one of the few
university libraries in Ghana that is designed to
accommodate the disabled.
The Resource Centre for
Alternative Media and Assistive Technology provides free
printing or embossing of some learning materials, such as
quizzes, exams, and 1-2 page assignments, notes and
Contact for UCC
The Registrar,
University of Cape Coast,
Cape Coast, Ghana.
Tel. : 03321-32480/3 Ext. 247/8
Fax : 233-42-32484